Sunday, July 5, 2009

Does one have to think that a person is the one for you?

Does it always happen that your boyfriend is not the one you are destined to be with it? I have been single for a long time and have never felt the genuine feeling of caring for someone or the least being cared for by someone.

I have seen it all (or perhaps it is the only ones that I see for now), that everything is a just a thought or logical process in the gay world to choose a partner based on lust. After sometime, everything is about thinking, routine and falling out of love quickly. But is there falling in love really.

I may sound biased and make some generalizations. It may not be exclusive to gay people and my observations may exist amongst heterosexuals as well. With the horror relationship stories that I hear from coupled gay friends, my observations and feelings around this topic are just verified.

How does one know if a person (or gay person) is your best friend? Your lover? Your "partner"? Your soul connection? Regardless of how one looks, how one's size is - big, small, fit, or it possible that "your inner self" is known and liked first?

It is not always going to be a smooth ride always in relationships. That is a given. We are in a polarised world after all - you can't do away with positive and negative. Both makes up the person. But what makes two people tick and stick? How much of the negativity of another can one take or love?